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A Bishop's Hard Message To Francis: Stop Trying To Replace Catholicism W...

Catholics are fighting with the jesuit pope worldwide.
The antichrist francis destroys the church from inside.
Al wars on this moment are about the faith ...ucraine is  in war with the church in russia ,soenies against sjihas , islam against every religion ,jews against al religions ..fighting to make God greater? (you wil never understand)
This what you see is the decline of al religions, rome included ...inside this church is a war going on ,between luciferians and the  image worshippers, the catholics ...these three doctrines ...islam ,romanism ,judaism are falling ...babylons doctrines are dying and wil end in armageddon wich is NOW 
Armageddon is the war between God and the thruth ...God wil destroy al the nations who are lost ..orthodox faith included day people wil understand when they stand before the court in heaven .
Babylon wil burn ,nobody can stop this ..not one symbol or word can stop armageddon.


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